After having exported 12,000 Wayuu bag worldwide since 2015, I wanted to help you find the right wholesale Wayuu provider so you can get the quality Wayuu bags and designs you want at the right price for you.

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1. Establish smooth communication

Establishing a clear line of communication is the the first stepping stone to choosing the right wholesale Wayuu provider. This means that:

A. You’re able to understand your wholesale Wayuu provider and that there’s a minimal communication barrier
B. That you feel they are responsive.

Meaning, if you email them, or what’s up them, or call them, or get in touch with them through whichever form of communication you prefer, that they are actually respond and answer you within an appropriate amount of time.

2. Receive clear product pictures

Sometimes, you might receive pictures that are a bit dark or that are of a single angle of the product. In these cases, you shouldn’t hesitate to ask for more pictures. Before you buy, make sure that you feel you are getting the product you think you are getting. It’s important that you feel a certain level of trust from your wholesale Wayuu bag provider.

You also want these clear pictures to make sure that the product you’re interested are free from:

A. Any defects in the design
B. Have quality finishings (meaning that the drawstrings are the way you like the, the tassels are the way you like, that the strap is well sewn on the bag).

Clear pictures allow you not only to choose the design you like, it also allows you to check for quality.

Even something as simple as checking that the strap matches the color of the bag because the straps are made separately from the bag and are usually made by different person.

These are all important factors to look for in the pictures you receive.

I have quite a lot of clients that are Colombian or that have a Colombian partner and are living abroad and they buy from me because they can shop directly on the website on their own terms, on their own time. They can add products to their cart, check the price and they know that the price offered for them is a price offer for everyone else. Not to mention the quick and easy checkout process.

But beyond that, they know that they know that they will always get a great standard of quality. Recently, I was really delighted to hear from a Polish customer that she had ordered from several wholesale Wayuu providers and that I was by far the best quality value of all the providers she was testing. For me, that’s a real treat to hear because I personally travel to La Guajira, hand pick all the bags myself and I also work with over 60 artisans to get Lombia designs. I’m very picky for you guys so it’s very rewarding to hear that.


3. Compare shipping methods

Different wholesale providers will offer different shipping options.

A. Economy which takes anywhere from 20 to 40 business days. Keep in mind that that it’s business days so 40 business days actually takes that a package can take up to 2 months to reach you.
B. EMS which takes 15 to 25 business days.
C. And faster shipping options such as FedEx, UPS, DHL which takes about 2 to 6 business days.

You might think that because they take a fraction of the time to arrive that they are more expensive. But you’d be surprised to hear that they are probably the same price if not a little bit cheaper.

The reason for this is that in order for sellers to ship through these faster shipping companies, they need a business account and meet a certain level of quota. If they are able to meet this quota, then they get better and better prices. As a result, you’re able to get your order in a fraction of the time and at a great rate!

And I don’t know about you, but when I place an order online I like to receive my order right away. I get really excited to receive my orders in the mail. So it’s a bummer that you have to wait so long.


4. Keep an eye out for hidden fees

Hidden fees come in the form of PayPal fees, credit card fees, or if you’re paying through a third party such as MoneyGram or Western Union, these also have fees. If you pay through PayPal or credit card, it’s very common for a wholesale Wayuu provider to charge you the PayPal or the credit card commission on top of the cost of the bags and shipping.

This could be approximately anywhere from 5 to 7%, although I’m not sure about the exact commissions for Western Union or MoneyGram. If Im not mistaken, they take a percentage based on the amount that you’re wiring.


5. Buy from a local company

Meaning the company actually ships from Colombia. I say this because Wayuu bags are very hot item and a lot of tourist come to Colombia, fall in love with this beautiful and colorful product, taking home a couple of suitcases back home to later open up an online store.

If you contact these companies asking for a quote, you will find they have very high wholesale Wayuu bag prices.

That’s because they have higher operational costs. In the case that they’ve made contact with some sort of local from La Guajira, and are shipping bags, they also have the cost of shipping and taxes depending on their country.

As a result, not only will you be offered a higher wholesale price, I would feel that as someone who hasn’t been as exposed to Wayuu products and culture, maybe they’d have a harder time scouting for quality Wayuu bags and as they are far away they can’t check for quality as easily. So they just received what they get.

Buying from a company located in Colombia will ensure you not only get better prices, but that the person that you’re buying from can check and demand quality Wayuu bags.

So that’s it! I hope this information was helpful and that this will help you choose the right wholesale Wayuu bags provider,. The price of the bag should not be the determining factor. There should be other things to take into consideration before choosing to work with any wholesale Wayuu bags provider.

Learn how to tell the difference between 2T and 1T Wayuu bags

And of course, I myself so wholesale Wayuu bags so if you’re interested feel free to drop me a message and inquire about wholesale prices!